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Wednesday 28 March 2012

Universe revision


1.            Our Solar System may have formed from the remains of a large star.

(a) Suggest how the Sun was formed. (3)

                b)            What changes to our Sun are likely to take place in the future?  (4)

2.            The Big Bang theory attempts to explain the origin and possible future of the Universe.

(a) Describe the main features of the Big Bang theory.  (3)

                (b)          State two pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang theory.  (2)

3.                      The Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory are both about the beginning and possible future of the Universe.

(a) (i)            Explain the main differences between the two theories.
Refer to the origin and likely future of the Universe in your answer.(4)

(b) Give 2 pieces of evidence that are not predicted by the Steady State theory that can be accounted for by the Big Bang Theory.  (4)

 4.           The graph shows how the recessional speed of five galaxies varies with distance from the Earth.

(a) Describe the general pattern shown by the graph (on the previous page) for how the recessional speed changes with distance from the Earth (1)

(b) Explain how the measurements support Hubble’s idea of the ‘Big Bang’ theory of the origin of the Universe.  (2)

(d) What would be the distance to a galaxy having a recessional speed of 30 000 km/s? (2)

5.                 (a) A star like the Sun forms when large clouds of hydrogen, helium and dust are attracted together by the force of gravity. What is the name of the object formed before the sun became a star.        (1)

                (b)  How does a star produce energy?    (2)

                (c) Scientists believe that the Sun will eventually become a white dwarf.

                                Outline the possible fates of much larger stars. (5)